The Pinhoti Trail: Alabama’s Longest Footpath and a Gateway to the Appalachians
The Pinhoti Trail represents a journey through Alabama’s Appalachians. From the southern-most point on the Appalachian chain, Flagg Mountain, to the Georgia line, the Pinhoti Trail is rich with history and natural wonder. Contributions to date have helped add an accessible trail to the top of Flagg Mountain, helped restore the stairs at the tower, and create a master plan for the entire trail. Now, we are working on a project at Jogloma-Scott Lake (near Porter’s Gap Trail head) and a new bridge that keeps hikers on the trail and off the road at Highway 78.
Your contribution to the Pinhoti Fund will help make it a substantial gateway to hiking Alabama’s longest-distance trail.
Make your check payable to Alabama Trails Foundation or use the form below.
Submit Check to: Alabama Trails Foundation
Attn: Ann Haas, Board Treasurer
2311 Highland Avenue South, Suite 190
Birmingham, AL 35205